Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Au revoir, 2024 (12-31-24)

We had a quiet New Year's Eve with Amon, Fox, and Leeloo. Amon's about to throw her octopus chew toy for her. I remembered to leave the egg whites out of the eggnog this time.
Since so many families with children have moved in, we're seeing more holiday fireworks on Alguno Road. Didn't have to fight crowds or traffic for the downtown Austin celebration. Thanks, neighbors!

The mead is made (12-31-24)

Thank you, Amon and Fox, for fermenting the mead in your pantry at 70 degrees or lower as required. Our house is never that consistently cool. They bottled the gallon of mead in Tamaroo bottles from good times with Donna. 
The mead was very dry. Fox and I thought it needed to be sweeter. But the recipe only called for 3 pounds of honey. Maybe use more next time?

Looking up (12-28-24)

 Anjanette dropped Fox off on Saturday, December 28, after their Christmas trip to Pittsburgh. Papa and Anjanette discussed something about the elm tree. Hence, Anjanette is looking up at the tree and Leeloo's looking up at Anjanette.

Emotional support cats (12-28-24)

I'm working hard to revise my debut novel, set for release in February 2026. I must get the revised draft to the copy editor by August 1. The book is changing, based on recommendations from the developmental editor received in October. Big Boy and Colette keep me company.