Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Los Angeles: Friday afternoon at the Getty Villa

Here we are, about to land in Phoenix for a layover on our way to Burbank
An afternoon at the Getty Villa in Malibu has renewed our interest in antiquities.  Who knew Cleopatra was the last Greek Pharoah of Egypt?  Or that when Rome fell, the eastern part of the empire continued to flourish in Constantinople?
Check out the lion head spouts.  Love it!
Looking east, toward the villa, a replica of a villa that was buried in 50 feet of ash when Mt. Vesuvius erupted and uncovered  by archeologists in the 1800s.  Hundreds of papyrus scrolls of  the writings of Greek philosphers were preserved in the ash, indicating the Roman master (dominus) was an educated man
Getty Villa, looking west.  Pacific Ocean visible through arches; fawn (young satyr) resting on rock
The satyr as a young man.  On the left, on the left!

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