Sunday, February 26, 2012

Otis LOVES trains: sending "get well" wishes to him too!

Here's LaWanda's note: "Howdy Mia, Otis and I really enjoyed our Saturday afternoon at the Portland Model Train Show. Otis did very well, he only had 3 tantrums including the big one when it was time to say goodbye to the trains. Even the prospect of hot burgerville french fries couldn't soothe his disposition.  Once he got his fries and cherry chocolate milk shake he settled down but was still very upset. I noticed he was tugging at his right ear and saying, OWIE,OWIE! Mommy kiss it. I knew he had an ear infection immediately. We drove straight to urgent care where they had a 2 plus hour wait to be seen by a doctor. There was no way I was gonna sit with my baby in pain for 2 hours to wait to be treated so we got back in the car and went to the Hospital ER. He got seen in 15 minutes, and was home with his antibiotics within an hour. Considering he had an ear infection, I think he did remarkably well."

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