Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Emma's Songs of Freedom Concert

The River Valley Middle School girls and boys choirs performed  "Songs of Freedom" on Monday, February 27, including a  Creole lament called "Salangadou" and a tribute to the Puerto Rican flag called "Que Bonita Bandera."  The cafeteria was decorated with flags from around the world.  Emma drew the Australian flag.  Oh!  And how could I forget the bake sale.  Emma's contribution was wonderful peanut butter cookies with chocolate icing, decorated with marshmallows and M&Ms.  The Horns had us over for dinner after the concert: I'm now hooked on stuffed portobello mushrooms.  Thanks, Al, Joyce, and Emma, for a wonderful time!

Oh! Emma's choir director is on the right.  She's Colleen Petty now, but her maiden name was Colleen Music.  Yes, it really was.

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