Sunday, March 4, 2012

Texas Independence Day, March 2, 1836 to March 2, 2102: 176 years

For years, Tom and Roy and Greg have celebrated Texas Independence Day with chicken fried steak lunches at Threadgill's.  This year, the celebration was at B B Rover's.  I'm not sure what Roy is showing Tom on his cell phone.  Tom opted for a chipotle chicken salad instead this year, prompting taunts from Roy and Greg.  Greg NEVER allows himself to be photographed.  Someday. . . .

Mmm!  Chicken-fried steak, white gravy, mashed potatoes, lima beans.  Not sure what the other item is on the plate, because I too had a chipotle chicken salad.  And very good local beer: 512 Pecan Porter.

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