Wednesday, March 21, 2012

SXSW: March 9-18, 2012

Papa Tom continued his enchilada salad revolution.  So far, he's requested enchiladas on top of his salad at Chuy's, Hyde Park Bar and Grill, and Guero's.  Someday, this will be as popular as the fajita.  And Papa Tom is the one who thought it up!  This was the Guero's creation.  We were there for lunch with Martin, Ramzi, and Evy.

SXSW entrepreneur Elliot home brews and sells sarsaparilla.  Has his own label too.  He and his siblings and friends  hung out at a corner passed by thousands of people.  The sarsparilla was very good, a lot like root beer.

A SXSW take on bicycle horns

Papa Tom carried his sarsaparilla around cowboy style

With 2,000 bands in town, and hundreds of band playing at side parties that did not require SXSW badges for entry, Evy and Ramzi spent several hours daily on their four electronic gadgets--iPhones, Mac notebook, and iPad--figuring out which shows to catch.  

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