Sunday, July 8, 2012

Papa Tom giving the pickup some attention

Time to clean the battery terminals.  Corrosion  builds up on the terminals over time.

So many tools!  

The pickup's much happier now.  We've had it for 12 years and haven't named it.  Maybe it's about time?  The pickup's driven mountain trails in Colorado and forded streams; moved Ryder, Skyler, Amon, Sarah, and Beka to several apartments/houses; hauled things to the recycling center and dump; brought building supplies home from Home Depot and Lowe's; survived a hail storm; been in an accident when Papa Tom was making an emergency ketchup run to HEB for a barbecue that was going on at our house. . . .all in all, a very faithful, reliable, good pickup.  And it only has 70,000 miles on it after all these years.

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