Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter in Asheville

Mya's soaking her Easter eggs.  They're supposed to hatch a bunny, a duck, and a rooster within 24 hours or so.

Somebody likes Thomas the Tank Engine!

Going for a ride with Dada/Uncle Amon

zooming in the grocery cart!

Lunch on Friday

On our way to lunch near LaWanda's house.  Otis has mastered his glider.

Bananas got to come too, since we would  be eating outside.

See?  There really is sunshine in Portland!  Everything was in bloom.  So beautiful!

Fox and Otis saddle up for the ride home.

Horseplay with Dada/Uncle Amon

Too much fun with Dada/Uncle Amon.

Playing and playing some more

Otis and Fox, setting up for monster truck races

Running monster trucks through the tube

An afternoon at the park

Fox has no fear!

Otis said the monster trucks were "trip-trapping" across the troll bridge

Fox's birthday cookout

We celebrated Fox's birthday with a cookout on Monday, March 25, after Skyler and LaWanda got home from work and Otis and I got back from Shaniece's birthday party.  Here she is with Dada, in her "fox" hat.

Skyler, ever the tree man

Fox chose red velvet cake for her birthday.  Mmm!

Skyler and Lawanda didn't want to be in the official birthday photo.  Sigh!
Washing birthday balloons!

More birthday fun

I took care of Otis during Spring Break while Skyler and LaWanda were at work.  On Monday, we went to Shaniece's fifth birthday party.  Shaniece (far left) has informed Otis that he's her boyfriend, oh my.  He innocently went along with the idea, for now.

Late night birthday presents

We arrived in Portland around 11:55 p.m.,  but Fox was wide awake and ready to check out her birthday laptop from Dada.  We decided she's got everything she needs to run her own business from home.

Fox also took time to check out her kitchen from Mia and Papa.

On our way to Portland

Mia and Fox flew to Portland on March 24, the day after Fox's second birthday.  She loves to "pop bubbles," which kept her occupied for at least part of our 6 hour plane ride.  Okay, I have to brag on Jade:  on our trip home, she could see "" on the wing of the plane.  She pointed and said "S," "O," "W," "S."  She recognizes a lot of letters already.

(Almost) Happy Birthday, Jade Fox Lewis!

Dada and Fox in Mia and Papa's front porch swing on March 15 (River's birthday),  right before Dada flew back to Portland.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

River is wearing the green!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Our favorite bluesman now playing in the 'hood

We think Alan Haynes (center) is one of the most overlooked, talented blues musicians we've ever heard, and we've heard John Lee Hooker and Buddy Guy and B.B. King.  Very happy to find out he'll be playing a regular Wednesday gig just two minutes from the house.

I've never seen a license plate from Cuba before.  Would love to talk to the owner of this restored pickup for the back story.

Restored trucks parked at Ginny's

Now there's a guitar that's seen hours and hours of play.  The red paint above the strings has worn away to bare wood.

Ginny's chickens, resting up for the weekly bingo game.  The chickens walk around on a large mat with numbered squares on it.  Customers bet which square the chickens will "mark." Winner takes all.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Tamyra and Aaron discover Corningware

LaWanda's cousin Tamyra and her roommate Aaron spent Friday and Saturday night with us, to be closer than San Marcos to the SXSW fun.  St. Paddy's Day morning, they made omelets.  Being born post-70s, they had never heard of Corningware.  Besides my iron skillet, my Corningware is my "go to" product for cooking.  OK, for the rest of you late 70s/post 70s youngsters, Corningware is great!  Goes in the freezer, in the microwave, in the oven, on the stove...also perfect for storing leftovers if you don't want to use plastic.  I've had my Corningware for about 35 years; down to three of the six original pieces, since Corningware is breakable.  Can still buy it at Macy's, probably also on Amazon. I highly recommend it!

St. Paddy's Day eggs

Ryder started St. Paddy's Day right by making green eggs for everyone.  No green ham though.

Fun with Al, Joyce, and Emma on St. Paddy's Day eve

We rode the VERY CROWDED Capital Metro Rail from Crestview Station, near our house, to the Plaza Satillo stop on East Fifth Street

Remember Preston?  Who Papa Tom and I met at one of the SXSW films?  He let me take his photo for the blog then; I told him it was for my grandchildren.  We saw him on East Fifth Street and I introduced Emma as one of my grandchildren.  He agreed to another photo, this time with Emma.  Preston is a counselor who works with troubled youth in Montana.  His mohawk secret? Hairspray, lots of hairspray.

On Sixth Street:  Emma with a mime'  I wasn't quick enough to get their fist bump.

Hmmm. . .what is this flavor?  While Joyce was shopping for veggies at Central Market, the rest of us stopped by the gelato stand.  Emma had the most wonderful deep chocolate gelato.  The rest of us had to try the Guinness gelato in honor of St. Paddy's Day Eve.  Joyce came close to guessing the flavor: she guessed Bailey's Irish cream, Irish whiskey . . .definitely on the right track!

Carrots for the road, from Papa Tom's garden

A very strange carrot indeed!

Lunch with the Cloninger clan

Beka and Sadie flew in from NYC to spend March 16-17  in Austin.  We all meet at El Mercado for lunch on Saturday.  Here's Great-uncle Tom with Sadie, who turned 1 on February 23.

Sisters and cousins:  Jim, Sarah, Beka, Sadie

More moments with Daddy

Friday, March 15:  eight days away from Jade's second birthday, but close enough to  add her current height to the "height" wall.  She's grown since Thanksgiving, but still hasn't caught up with River.


Dropping Dada off at the airport.  Bye-bye, Dada!  

Random SXSW photos

Magnolia Cafe keepin' Austin weird:  "Sorry We're Open"

Luckily this Papa is not Papa Tom!

Cleaning out the garage

Curb offering:  Amon's cabinet, part of a tool box, carpet, and  DVD holder

Taking Anjanette's sewing machine to her house

Topo Chico for the road

New home for curb offering:  cabinet maker Mike Switzer was riding by on his bike, saw Amon's things at the curb, and borrowed a truck to hustle back and take them for his cabinet shop.  So nice when one man's trash is another man's treasure!