Sunday, March 17, 2013

Fun with Al, Joyce, and Emma on St. Paddy's Day eve

We rode the VERY CROWDED Capital Metro Rail from Crestview Station, near our house, to the Plaza Satillo stop on East Fifth Street

Remember Preston?  Who Papa Tom and I met at one of the SXSW films?  He let me take his photo for the blog then; I told him it was for my grandchildren.  We saw him on East Fifth Street and I introduced Emma as one of my grandchildren.  He agreed to another photo, this time with Emma.  Preston is a counselor who works with troubled youth in Montana.  His mohawk secret? Hairspray, lots of hairspray.

On Sixth Street:  Emma with a mime'  I wasn't quick enough to get their fist bump.

Hmmm. . .what is this flavor?  While Joyce was shopping for veggies at Central Market, the rest of us stopped by the gelato stand.  Emma had the most wonderful deep chocolate gelato.  The rest of us had to try the Guinness gelato in honor of St. Paddy's Day Eve.  Joyce came close to guessing the flavor: she guessed Bailey's Irish cream, Irish whiskey . . .definitely on the right track!

Carrots for the road, from Papa Tom's garden

A very strange carrot indeed!

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