Sunday, April 6, 2014

April 3, 2014: Amon has landed!

Amon backed into the driveway at about 3 p.m. on April 3 after a 45-hour drive from Portland in which he slept 2 hours the first night and 5 hours the second night, in his car; fought to keep his makeshift sunroof on from Albuquerque to Austin (duct tape, lots of duct tape); and was stopped by a DPS Trooper as soon as he entered Texas for going 80 mph in a 75 mph zone.  Only issued a warning though.  Welcome home!

The aforementioned sunroof

The Civic got him here safely

He got to snooze about 30 minutes before Fox arrived and woke him up

Mommy, Jade, and Daddy

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