Sunday, April 6, 2014

Saturday, April 5, 2014: Neighbor Suzan's annual plant exchange party

Jade and Amon check out the tire swing in Suzan's back yard.  Too bad I don't have a photo of the back door neighbor's beagle climbing over the fence to join the festivities!

One of our donations this year was "Scare-squirrel," who's faithfully kept squirrels out of our garden all year.  Our librarian friend is very excited to have him except that she intends to use him to attract squirrels:  her husband hunts squirrels and makes squirrel stew!  Watch out, Scare-squirrel!

Our haul:  an assortment of cacti to plant; mint for tea; a beautiful pot and a planter that will go perfectly in the bathroom; and East Texas horse manure for Papa's compost heap, oh my!

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