Sunday, February 8, 2015

Honey Island swamp (Wednesday, January 28, 2015)

Coconut tree to be

People either live or have vacation homes right on the swamp.  Captain Charlie assured us that the gators are shy and don't interfere with people on jet skis, skis, or swimmers.  

Do you see the blue heron standing in the water behind the boat?

Red buds in bloom

Swamp water so black that it reflects perfectly

What's up and what's down?  Cyprus trees all around.

Cyprus knees.  In addition to roots (I think), cyprus trees have "knees" for obtaining nutrition.

A marsh is beyond the swamp.  Marsh is flooded prairie; swamp is flooded forest. Captain Charlie whistled loudly and a herd of feral hogs emerged from the trees for his special treat of beer-soaked corn. I couldn't get close enough for a photo.   

Riding on the river

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