Sunday, June 21, 2015

One last day in Seattle: Monday, June 15, 2015

Here's a dragon for you, Anjanette.  It's guarding the International District.  Or maybe just avoiding the closed sidewalk?

One last visit to Pike Place Market

Papa's first ever Starbucks coffee, straight from the Mother Ship, the original Starbucks located in Pike Place Market.  The barrista is a Dallas transplant who loves Seattle, she said.

Papa enjoys his mocha latte at the park in Pike Place Market

The park overlooks Puget Sound.  And yes, that's a totem pole behind me

Next visit, I want to ride the ferris wheel

OK, how politically correct can you get?  On this restroom sign, it's Dad who's taking the baby to the restroom, not Mom.  Although she looks like she might be ready to take the baby back.

Street corner pianist.  Wonder how far he rolls the piano?

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