Sunday, June 7, 2015

Thanks to all of you for celebrating our day with us!

Front row:  Papa Tom's cousin's daughter, Sarah, Beka
Middle row:  Papa Tom's brother Jim, me, Papa Tom, Jan (Jim's wife)
Back row:  Papa Tom's Aunt Gwen, cousin Carol, Evelyn, Papa Tom's Uncle Gene
Not pictured are Tom's friends who stopped by on their move to Colorado: had to tie their Rotweiller to the peach tree during the ceremony.
Front row:  Amon, Blake, Michael Craig
Second row:  Ramzi, Papa Tom, me, Skyler
Behind us: Ryder, Donna (Colton in utero, unbeknownst to us all), Martha, Dad, Martin, Mom, Charles, and Timothy (Skyler's best friend)

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