Sunday, October 4, 2015

NYC: more day two: Sunday, September 27, 2015

We stayed at the Millineum Hilton across from the new Freedom Tower, and caught the train to Times Square from the World Trade Center stop.

They still exist!

My second Broadway show ever was "The Book of Mormon," highly rated but certainly R-rated too!

Times Square, after the show.  I love the red high heels!

People were just hanging out, enjoying the evening and looking for the "super moon."

Caught the train back to our hotel.

Too misty to see the super moon, but had to stop and admire the Freedom Tower.  In the foreground is the upper portion of "Oculus," the new subway station designed by Spanish architect and engineer Santiago Calatrava.  The station , set to open later this year, will connect some 200,000 commuters daily to 11 different subway lines.

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