Sunday, October 4, 2015

NYC: September 26, 2015: Saturday night live!

The police station in Times Square does its part to compete with all the neon signs.

Saw my first Broadway show: "Beautiful," the Carole King story.  I was amazed at how much talent was on that stage!  The cast members could dance, sing, act, and some could even play musical instruments, all very well!

After the show, we headed to Brooklyn.  First stop was in a little park with a view of the Brooklyn Bridge and the One World tower, also known as the Freedom Tower.

One must have Brooklyn pizza when one goes to Brooklyn.  In the mirror you can see Sharon and me, and another customer.  We had left Austin on a 6:15 a.m. flight that day and didn't get back to our hotel until about 12:30 a.m.  We slept well!

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