Sunday, February 21, 2016

February 20, 2016: phone rescue!

We went to a meeting at Trish's church Friday night and, dumb-dumb me, I decided to plug my phone in for recharging while we were there.  Well, of course, I forgot my phone and didn't realize it until the church was locked up.  Our flight was leaving Saturday; no time to wait for the church to re-open on Sunday.  No answer in the church office Saturday morning.  Argh!  Brilliant idea to climb the church fence and get into the building (Trish has a key to the building but didn't know the code for opening the parking lot gate).  Steve loaned us a ladder for the job.  On the way there, I told Trish she had to obey all traffic laws lest we get stopped by a cop who would question us about our "burglary" tool in the back seat.

So glad the gate was open when we got there!  Turned out the church school was having a lacrosse tournament.  Inside, the phone was plugged in, right where I left it.  Never so happy to see my baby phone!  Felt "nekkid" without it!

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