Thursday, October 26, 2017

Ojo Caliente, New Mexico (October 19-21, 2017)

Papa on the front porch of the Ojo Caliente bath house built in 1868. Seven mineral pools in the desert, at the base of a cliff, were used by Native Americans for thousands of years before Spaniards discovered them in the 1500s.  Ruins and shards of pottery from the Posi tribe are at the end of a short hike to the top of the mesa.

Warmth from an early morning pinon fire is welcome in the crisp, cool 43 degree aur.  The smoke is very fragrant.

Superman used to change in these.  Wear does he change now?

About 10 years ago, when I was at Ojo, I took a yoga class held in the hayloft of the barn, not yet renovated. Light filtered in through cracks in the roof and doves landed near us, their wings whistling when they took flight again.  On the walk back, the yoga teacher stopped to show me medicinal herbs growing along the dirt road.  Magical time!

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