Monday, March 26, 2018

Memories (1984 and 1979)

When we were in Shreveport this past weekend (March 24, 2018), Martha shared some old photos with me.  She and Craig took Ryder, age 5, with them to see my parents in London for Christmas 1984.  Dad was there with Murphy Oil, which was involved in drilling in the North Sea.

Ryder, Martha, and Craig at Broadwater, the house on the Thames, where Mom and Dad lived.

Ryder and Mom

Ryder with a bobby

Spring 1979: Dad, Charles, Donna, Mom and Ryder, Martha, me.  Colton saw the photo and teased me about my safety glasses.  I promise you, that was the style in 1979.

October 1979:  Ryder (7 mos) chillin' with Dad.

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