Thursday, May 10, 2018

Happy birthday, Micah and Otis! (Sunday, May 6, 2018: two days early)

My May 8th birthday guys.  Micah turned 36 and Otis turned 10.  Double digits, Otis!  I don't know if Otis is starting to give us a double thumbs up or playing an invisible video game.

Micah's Jack Nicholson look from that "redrum" movie, the Shining, that was partly filmed at the lodge on Mt. Hood.

Otis finally agreed to a birthday cake late Sunday afternoon.  So yummy! Thanks, Otis.  But he forbade us to sing "Happy Birthday" or any other song.  Okay.  The Birthday Boy rules.

The kids all wanted to try the red bow from atop the cake, hoping it would be pure sugar.  Not.  Some terrible, plastic tasting yet edible bow.

Ava, Otis, and Fox

Thanks, Anjanette and Fox!

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