Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Portland (May 5, 2017)

Fox, Otis, and I had the day to ourselves on Saturday.  We started with "kid coffee," mostly milk, a little coffee, and lots of Hershey's chocolate syrup.

Fox adjusts the amount of chocolate syrup in her coffee.

Nearby Grant Park has a Beverly Cleary sculpture garden.  Fox loves the Ramona books.  Here she is with Ramona.

I have a large bruise on my upper arm from being slammed by the tire swing while pushing the kids. No problem dancing backwards in high heels.  Scurrying backwards in flip flops to escape the swing?  Not fast enough!
Here's that tire swing bruise.  Do I love my grandbabies?  Yes, I do!

Otis totally whupped me at basketball.  I only made one out of about 10 shots. His favorite teams:  The Portland Trail Blazers and Houston Rockets.

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