Saturday, June 2, 2018

Congratulations, Emma! (May 26, 2018)

On May 26, 2018, Emma was one of more than 600 Midway High School graduating seniors at the Ferrell Center on Baylor's campus.

Thank goodness for the big screen televisions!

After the graduation ceremony, family and friends celebrated at a reception. Joyce and I roamed around taking photos, of course. In the background, Papa Tom visits with Emma and friends. Emma's cousins Riker and Jaden flank sister Piper, who arrived all the way from Perth, Australia, with parents Chelle and Al Weedn. 

Joyce, Emma, Chelle, and Al

Emma and her grandmothers.  Wanda Bean (Chelle's Mom); me; Emma; and Mary Horn (Al's Mom).

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