Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Robert Rodriguez's "Red 11"

We waited for more than an hour to get into Robert Rodriguez's "Red 11" and his discussion about how he and his son were the only crew for the under $7,000 film.  He made it as a tribute to "El Mariachi," a film he made 25 years ago in 2 weeks, starring family and friends, and for the $7,000 he earned as a "lab rat."  We didn't get in and neither did several hundred badgies (primary line).

We were so lucky that there was a second showing with Robert Rodriguez a couple of days later, and we got in!  Actually, his presence was lagniappe.  Usually, filmmakers only appear at the first SXSW showing.  Robert was the cinematographer, and his son Racer was the sound man.  His son Rebel was one of the actors in the film. After the showing, Robert told us how the film was made in his office building and how special effects were created using magnets, filming action in reverse, etc.  Pretty interesting.  

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