Tuesday, March 26, 2019

SXSW: March 8-17, 2019

And so SXSW begins! Papa Tom and I took turns circling the Austin Convention Center in the Zoomer the day before, to pick up our wristbands.  We each had to personally pick prove via driver's licenses that we were in fact Austin residents and entitled to the townie rates vs. out-of-town badgie rates. 

In line for our first film, "Salvage," about a Canadian town in which the city dump is where citizens find treasures amidst the trash.  Big change from other years at SXSW:  tons of bikes, electric bikes, and scooters available for riding from venue to venue.

After finding no parking on Thursday, when we picked up our wristbands, we decided to use the Capital Metro bus system.  Very favorably impressed!  Quick rides, close to our destinations in Central Austin.
Your choice.  Scooter, electric bike, or bring your own.

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