Sunday, April 28, 2019

Austin Public, our local public access television station (April 23, 2019)

In 1979, I was 12 credit hours into an M.A. in Radio-TV-Film at the University of Texas. I took newborn Ryder to classes with me and would cover him with a blanket to nurse him in the back of the room.  He was a very quiet baby who seemed to listen intently to lectures.  At the end of the Spring semester, I took a break from school to be a full-time Mom and never went back. The director Edward Dmytryk taught my screenwriting class. You may have seen his films "The Caine Mutiny," "Raintree County," or "The Carpetbaggers," among others?  At any rate, he told me I have "a distinct touch of talent." Was he right?  I'd like to find out these 40 years later.

If I step through this door, where will I go? I took Media Policy, the second mandatory class to be eligible to become an Austin Public producer, on April 25, 2019.   At the end of May, I'll be taking the PXW-Z280 camcorder class.  According to the Station Manager, the camcorder is good for event coverage and "run and gun" type shoots. (No idea what "run and gun" means.)  Maybe I could eventually cover some Sierra Club events?

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