Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Lobbying for the Sierra Club at the State Capitol (April 11, 2019)

April 11 was Conservation Day at the State Capitol.  I joined about 20 other Sierra Club members to speak urge elected representatives to vote for bills to keep/make Texas more green. Only got to speak with two representatives,as the House was in session, but with office staff of eight other representatives.  I parked the Zoomer at the HEB grocery store and caught a Capital Metro bus downtown, only having to walk two blocks from the bus stop.  Parking wouldn't have been any closer.  

Motorized scooters are very popular in Austin.  Thank goodness they're prohibited on Capitol Grounds.  I've almost been run over on downtown sidewalks.

Looking up, up, up into the interior dome.  At 302 feet, the Texas State Capitol is about 15 feet taller than the U.S. Capitol building, but is not the tallest state capitol building.  I'm proud to say the honor falls to Louisiana, with a 450-foot tall state capitol building (not as aesthetically pleasing though).  Sorry, Texas!

Had to take a sip from the fanciest water fountain I've ever seen. A little research shows there's a more fancy one outside.  Check out Will make a point to drink from it next time I'm on the Capitol grounds.

Love the doors and doorknobs!

Even the door hinges are gorgeous.

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