Thursday, December 31, 2020

Christmas Eve project: beeswax lotion bars (December 24, 2020)

Time to do something with the honeycombs from our June honey harvest, plus a few empty ones we collected later when our bees industriously built combs on the underside of the hive lid, in the way of closing it back after opening it.
I strained the melted wax, filtering out a lot of debris in the cheesecloth.
The yield was almost 6 ounces of beeswax, enough to make six lotion bars.  The recipe is so easy!  Melt the wax with almond oil, coconut oil, and vitamin E, add essential oil for fragrance, and pour into the molds to cool.

Poured and cooling.

 I was expecting a Pinterest fail, but no.  The bars are beautiful!

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