Thursday, December 31, 2020

The Great Conjunction was the Great Disappointment (December 21, 2020)

We combined a beekeeping trip with a chance to see the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn out at Cornerstone, where there's no light pollution.
The shed, the beehive, the Zoomer, the field.
The best time to see the Great Conjunction, NASA said, was about 45 minutes after sunset.  Almost time!
Papa walked the fence line.  He found a dead buzzard and kept the talons. Ugh! I refused to even look at them. 
Ok, here's the very grainy phone photo of the planets.  Are those Saturn's rings???
On our way home, we could still see the pinprick in the sky.  If you look just to the right of center, almost at the top of the photo, you'll see what we saw.  Could this really be it?  We were expecting something like the Star of Bethlehem as depicted on Christmas cards, a distant headlight in the sky. 

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