Monday, January 25, 2021

Diary of a giant snowball (January 11-17, 2021)

January 11, the day after the snowfall: We knew the giant snowball wouldn't last long since daytime temperatures were well above freezing.
January 12:  all those fall leaves! No more snow on the ground.  The giant snowball was protected by the shade of the front porch for most of the day.
January 13:  still there!
January 14: missing a chunk.
January 15:  pretty much fallen apart.  I put half in the freezer to save for Fox.
Still January 15:  Zephyr pauses to peruse the snowball.  Our tomato plants from March are still producing!
January 16: no longer a foot high.

January 17: one week out.  What a survivor!  Snow from all the neighbor's yards was long gone, days before this.  Bye-bye snowball, until next time!

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