Sunday, January 24, 2021

Let it snow! (Sunday, January 10, 2021)

Papa Tom was already at work when it started to snow.  Otis bounded into the room to tell me there was a cougar outside and I needed to look.  Cougar?  No, but snow dimpled with raindrops. Usually this is about the most we get in Austin.  I was surprised when it snowed for several more hours.
Einar ventured out of his cozy retreat but not for long.
So fluffy!
Snow collected on the elm branches too.
More snow than the Zoomer's seen in its 11 years of life.
Northeast Austin got 4.5" of snow.  Not sure what Central Austin got.  The most I remember before this was 3.5" on January 2, 1985, when Ryder was in London with Martha and Craig to visit my parents for the holidays.  The record of 11" fell in 1937.  

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