Saturday, May 15, 2021

Remembering online school before it goes away. Forever? (May 11, 2021)

I just realized I'd posted no photos of online school, such a major part of the COVID experience.  Here's the screen from Otis's math class.  Very typical for only one or two kids to turn their cameras on.  One teacher forced a kid to turn his camera on and we all got to see the kid learning while laying in bed.  We hear dogs barking, other family members, and sometimes a stuffed animal will show up.  Otis and one other kid are virtual learning from outside Portland.  One kid signed in from France for about six weeks.  Poor Nico is having to do Portland schooling AND attend virtual school in Japan as one of his parents is Japanese and his parents want him to learn in both school systems.  He pointed out that the seventh-grade math here is like fifth-grade math in Japan.
The back yard was as far as Otis had to go for photos for his science project on erosion, weathering, and deposition.  I think the holes in the rock are from erosion??? (Photo by Otis)
A neighbor's sculpture is under one of our elms.  It's weathering nicely. (Photo by Otis)
Leaves and debris are deposited due to water runoff. (Photo by Otis)

Bigfoot! (My photo photobombed by Bigfoot)


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