Sunday, May 2, 2021

We have our new baby bees! (April 28, 2021)

We picked up our new nucleus from beekeeper Raul at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, April 27th.   It was getting dark so we couldn't install the hive until the following morning.  In the meantime, we set the bees next to an open window in our bedroom so they'd get fresh air.  Without fresh air, they can suffocate. We thought if we left them outside, racoons might investigate and get through the Gorilla Tape holding the hive shut.  
We're pretty sure this is a monarch butterfly caterpillar.  He/she was hanging out under the old beehive boxes.
The new hive is active and happy!  We filled the feeders with sugar water to tide them over until they can harvest nectar and cap honey.
Plenty of wildflowers for nectar and pollen.

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