Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Fort Pickens (Monday, July 26, 2021)

Tom, Renee, and I visited Fort Pickens on Monday, July 26.  Ramzi and Siobhan flew back to Los Angeles that morning.  Everyone else wanted to stay at the house, out of the sun, or take a walk at a nearby state park to possibly see birds, otters, foxes, and other animals.  We spied an osprey and his/her nest on the road to Fort Pickens.  Everyone else said the only animals they encountered on their walk were bugs, lots of bugs.

At the Fort Pickens discovery center we learned about how long it takes for trash to degrade in the ocean. Too long!  

A good reason to use reusable bags when shopping
450 years for regular disposable diapers v. 1 year.  Much better to use biodegradable disposal diapers.  Or cloth diapers?


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