Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Pensacola (Sunday, July 25, 2021)

Donna and Destry had to head back to New Orleans early Sunday.  Some hung out at the house: Fox and Otis were too sunburned from Saturday on the beach to even think about getting on the water. Amon and Micah stayed at the house with them. Renee continued working on her project. The rest of us took a pontoon out of the bay to the Gulf at Fort Pickens.  We stopped to swim a few times.
River, Brandy, and Ramzi.  Tom and I thought the bay water was too murky so stayed in the boat.
But once we turned into the Gulf, the water was swimming pool clear!  Mya and Tom found sand dollars.
Ramzi and Siobhan organized the trip.  Many thanks!
I thought I was photographing dolphins.  There was so much glare on my phone I couldn't tell that I was in selfie mode.  Darn!
Captain Ryder
Peace to Papa Tom too
River and Mya back in the bay
Piper and Brandy.  We're chugging back to the pontoon rental place.

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