Sunday, October 31, 2021

Crossing the SIerra Nevada mountains (August 26, 2021)

Wildflowers and wildfire scars on Sherman Pass.  We weren't sure if the road would be open.  We called the fire station in Pine Flat before we left to find out which roads across the mountains were still open, given road closures due to wildfires.  The two-lane road, closed once snow falls, took us over the south fork of the Kern River.
Diseased/damaged trees being thinned out to reduce fire danger.
We heard the chainsaws before we reached the crew with their truly portable port-o-let.
Waited and watched while the crew sawed the log into pieces to clear the road.
Micah knows all about the Skidder.  Great machine for moving logs in a hurry!  Then we were on our way.

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