Sunday, October 31, 2021

General Grant giant sequoia (August 25, 2021)

Almost impossible to tell its size from the photo, but the sequoia named General Grant is 258 feet high, 40 feet wide, and 1700 years old.  I'm 62" tall.
General Grant is the second largest giant sequoia tree in the world. The largest seqouiadendrum giganteum in the world is the General Sherman (275 feet high/2,000 years old), a 71-mile meandering drive from General Grant.  Firefighters wrapped General Sherman in protective blankets as September wildfires encroached.
The tree next to General Grant is actually very tall.  I should have asked Tom to stand next to it for perspective.  Notice that General Grant has a fire scar.  I couldn't find out how long ago the tree was burned.

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