Sunday, April 24, 2022

Another beehive (April 16, 2022)

We are starting year 3 of beekeeping.  We must show a 5-year history of beekeeping and ultimately have 5 hives to qualify for an agricultural exemption when it comes to property taxes.  Our first hive made it through 2020 (year 1) but didn't survive Winter Storm Uri in 2021. We got another hive in Spring 2021 (year 2).  We added a second live hive this year.  The obtained the nucleus through the Williamson County Area Beekeepers Association.  We rely on the monthly member meetings to find out what to do next.  Luckily bees are pretty self-reliant and seem to do best if we leave them alone.
We were happy to see so many bluebonnets at Cornerstone.  We assume our existing hive has been collecting nectar and pollen from them.
The blackberries are blooming too.
Some berries are even making.  We expect to pick thousands of berries in mid-May.

 Papa delivered the nuc to its new home. We pried off the lid and placed the frames into an empty hive box.

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