Sunday, April 24, 2022

At home (April 21-22, 2022)

Zephyr typically growls and hisses at Georgie, who might or might not be a stray. He regularly stops by for dinner, sometimes for breakfast.  He must be or must have been somebody's boy.  He's very friendly and tries to wander inside when the front door is open.
COVID test again, Day 5, the day Ramzi and Siobhan arrive.  Tom and I are both negative. Yea!  In the meantime, we got second boosters on Day 2.
In honor of Earth Day, I planted flowers.  This one is in a 75-year-old pot from my childhood in Peru. I'll move it to the front porch on rainy days to protect the pot.
The bluebonnets are fading.  I'll scatter the seeds in the back flower beds.  The begonias will thrive through the summer as long as they're watered.

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