Thursday, October 5, 2023

The Red Dress Run has begun! (Saturday, August 12)

On our way! Some people actually ran, through the Quarter. Others peeled off the route to imbibe at nearby bars.
Papa and me at Royal and Esplanade. How did a guy in gray end up in the run???
The Sistas. Cutting out early from the Run (leisurely walk, really) to go for po' boys.
We missed Destry and Colton Saturday morning because they were waiting for us toward the end of the route. (They didn't run). In the meantime, Craig, Martha, Donna, Tom, and me had cut out midway through for the Parkway Bakery and Tavern for incredible po' boys. Colton returned to Donna's after we got home that afternoon. Destry stayed in the Quarter with friends then Ubered to his Dad's. We met up with Destry late that night at John and Patty's.  John is almost done building their new home on the same lot. 

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