Friday, April 26, 2024

53rd High School Reunion (Saturday, March 9, 2024)

23 of our graduating class of 111 met for brunch at Broz Adams' house. The grandbaby that was due any day waited until Tuesday to arrive so we didn't have to scramble for another location on Saturday. Very thoughtful child!
Between brunch and dinner, Tom and I visited the Tree of Life at Audubon Park. If you climb the tree, you can see giraffes over the adjacent zoo wall.
The tree is believed to have been planted in 1740. When you hold an acorn, you hold a tree.
I love Spanish moss. The branch in the foreground is also from the sprawling Tree of Life.
Beryl Tullier and I were in a carpool together for our three years at Benjamin Franklin High School. She's a retired CPA. Interesting that we're at our 53rd reunion following our 1971 graduation. Most of us, born in 1953, are 71. (Twilight Zone music).

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