Saturday, April 27, 2024

Time to deliver sugar syrup to the apiary (March 23, 2024)

In the Spring, bees need supplementary sugar syrup to build the hive population. You dissolve 12 pounds of sugar in a gallon of boiled water to get two gallons of syrup. We give each hive a gallon of syrup per week until late May or mid-June. By then, they're collected enough nectar and pollen to sustain the hive for a bit. Then, more sugar syrup during the summer dearth of flowers. Colette decided to check out the sugar syrup box. She's not supposed to hop onto the island!
Bluebonnets and other wildflowers were in full bloom at Cornerstone in mid-March. We'll be adding four hives in April for a total of 8 hives. Each hive produces 30-50 pounds of honey. We'll probably only harvest about 5 pounds per hive at the end of June. Still, 40 pounds....

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