Friday, April 6, 2012

Fun with Otis

While in Portland, Otis' daycare was closed for Spring Break, so we got to spend every day together.  Otis showed me Portland through a 3-year-old's eyes: we went swimming at a community center that has a heated (thank goodness!) indoor pool and two-story slide; visited the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI); played at an indoor gym;  and checked out books and DVDs from the library. Here, he's enjoying his "Lots and Lots of Trains" DVD from the library.  That's exactly what the DVD was all about: lots and lots of trains.  At the end of the DVD, "Lots and Lots of Firetrucks" was advertised.  We found "Lots and Lots of Airplanes" at the library, but Otis wasn't interested.  He's very, very much into trains.  In fact, he knows how to find trains on YouTube.  I can attest to this because we watched yellow trains on YouTube for about an hour-and-a-half one night, with Otis guiding the way.

Did I mention that Otis likes trains?  The OMSI, has many, many exhibits, but we went straight to the Lego train room and spent the entire afternoon there. 

Otis assembled and disassembled Lego trains.

Otis and Bananas

Otis at the indoor gym, crawling away in a blur.  

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