Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Millie's back on deck!

We haven't seen Millie climb a tree in about 10 years, but here she is,  refusing to come down, vowing to go on a hunger strike until her demands are met.

"I demand salmon at every meal, a personal pillow on  your precious living room sofa, and a fish bowl to lap water out of!"

It's Day 2, and Tom and Sharon have had enough!  We are too smarter than a cat!  So smart in fact, that we will prop an extension ladder on a wobbly patio table so SWAT (Saved With A Tom) can go in and end this nonsense!

The ugly interim photos have been deleted to protect SWAT:  the grabbing by the scruff of the neck, the dragging from the tree perch, the holding out at arm's length to instill the fear of heights in the rebel. . . .Millie did latch on to SWAT's leg with all four claws right at the end, but SWAT prevailed!

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