Saturday, April 21, 2012

In Shreveport April 18-19

I visited Mom , Dad, Craig, and Martha in Shreveport on Wednesday and Thursday of this past week.  I'm glad to report Mom came home from the physical therapy center on April 19 and is doing much, much better.  She was admitted to the hospital on March 29 for three long weeks of treatment and recovery.  I spent some time with Craig and Martha on Wednesday evening.  Besides great conversation, as always, they introduced me to a wonderful music website:  Playing for Change.  The group is devoted to connecting the world through music.  Through the technique of overdubbing (thank you, Les Paul), musicians all over the world can listen to each other's parts and add their own.  
Playing for Change: Stand by Me   When you get to the site, hit the Introduction for "Stand by Me."  Grandpa Elliot, the second featured musician, is playing at Jackson Square in New Orleans.  Martha and Craig met him and Martha has a photo of herself with him.      

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