Sunday, June 9, 2013

A home for Delta Dove

Papa Tom found this baby dove in a parking lot on Saturday evening.  We named the dove "Delta," because we didn't know if it is male or female.  If male, he is "Delta Force."  If female, she is "Delta Dawn."  

Jade and I took Delta to Wildlife Rescue on Sunday afternoon.  The volunteer said Delta is about a week-to-10 days away from learning to fly.  Doves stay on the ground while they learn to fly.  

The volunteer wondered if we could keep Delta outside our house until she learns to fly, but I told her we have four outdoor cats (and Baba was very curious yesterday, peering inside the front door into the living room where we were keeping Delta in a box.)  It would be very sad to find a pile of Delta feathers on our front door mat!  

She then wondered if we could keep the cats indoors for a week-to-10 days while Delta learns to fly.  I think that would be more animal adventure than we could handle!  Anyway, Delta stayed at the animal shelter and should be just fine.

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