Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

We met Mom, Dad, DonnaLynn, Martin, Martha, and Craig at Ruby Tuesday's in Shreveport on Saturday, June 15th, to celebrate Father's Day.  Afterwards, we hung out at the house.  Dad now has a new summer wardrobe of shirts and shorts and Season 1 of "Duck Dynasty" to enjoy.   Happy Father's Day, Dad!

DonnaLynn did it!  She brought us fabulous ice cream that, so far, we haven't seen outside NOLA.  We think it's also new to NOLA, because we'd never seen it there before either.  She says they carry 11 flavors.  I wonder if King Cake is one of them?  If not, it should be!
Happy Father's Day to the men in our lives who fix things, move things, explain things, ride to the rescue even at midnight, and are always there for us.

OK, we made them kiss for the camera.  Thanks, Mom and Dad!

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