Sunday, March 2, 2014


Papa Tom, Amon, Jade, and I drove out to Cornerstone, about 4 miles northeast of Walburg, during Amon's visit, to check the possibility of building a cottage and planting an olive grove on the land.  Couldn't go the regular way; had to go the "yee-haw" way: so called because if you're going fast, your car will fly over a rise and your stomach will drop.  

One of the rally cars Amon and his friend left at Cornerstone.  Looks like its been used for shotgun practice.

A second rally car.  We'll be selling them for junk, more than likely.

Jade and Amon, peering into the falling-down shed on the property.

Do you know what this is?  We don't.  A feeder?

Jade and Amon check out Mr. Zurovetz's stock pond.  Good to see water in it.

The shed and the old a.c. unit from our mobile home.  We lived out there from 1985-87, roughly.

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