Friday, April 21, 2017

Scenes from Cornerstone: April 2017

Papa Tom and I were out at Cornerstone in mid-April. This guy almost got away before the paparazzi got him!  Best I can tell, he's an Eastern king snake.  Only sure he's not a rattlesnake.

I think the red flower is Indian paintbrush.  The yellow ones look like cowpen daisies.  If they aren't, they should be.  I like the name.

Bluebonnets at the end of the season.

Texas lantana, a wild shrub

Partial cow skull?  I don't know for sure.

Prickly pear in boom.

White-flowered milkweed attracts monarch butterflies.  About 30 years ago, I came upon a tree covered with more monarchs than leaves.  Maybe Cornerstone is on their migratory route?  One of my all time favorite memories.

Do you see the bumblebee and the honeybee?  They like milkweed too.  We're excited about putting in about six beehives at Cornerstone next January or February.  In the meantime, we've joined the Williamson County Area Beekeepers Association to learn more about beekeeping.

Winecup.  And my shoe!

Seven adults and six children: April 21, 2017

We all got together at El Mercado to celebrate what would have been Evelyn's 99th birthday plus 2 weeks.  Evelyn loved the margaritas here.  Sarah, Kirk, Jim, Lucy, and Jake; Beka, Scott, Sadie, and Miles; Amon and Fox; and Papa Tom and me were all there.  Papa Tom sat with Jake, who showed us how to double fist queso and chips.  Somehow I missed getting photos of Sarah, Scott, Beka, Miles, and Amon.  Was kind of wild in that back room!

My twin was Lucy.  She likes salsa on her chips!

Sadie, 11 months younger than Fox, wanted to know all about kindergarten.  Fox clued her in: "First we counted by 10s, then 5s, and now we're learning to count by 2s!"  Sadie will go to Brentwood Elementary, Fox's school.  Jim, age 4, is sitting with Kirk and Jake.

The guys:  Jim, Kirk, and Jake.

Removing abandoned rally cars from Cornerstone: Wednesday, April 19, 2017

A gardener's treasure.  Cow pies!  Papa Tom took some home to fertilize the rose bushes and garden.

A beautiful spring day to be in the country.  After obtaining abandoned vehicle titles to the '79 Corolla and '90 Civic, KUT was willing to take the cars as donations.  Thanks, KUT, my favorite radio station!

Airing up the Toyota's back tires for the haul to Kyle, Texas.
Tires aired up, Toyota connected.
Au revoir, rally cars!  Catch you on the next lap!

UTSA School of Dentistry: Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Papa Tom is almost done with dental work at the University of Texas San Antonio School of Dentistry.  We've totally enjoyed hanging out in San Antonio after his appointments.  Tooth extraction, implant, new crown, . . . .  On this trip, we took in lunch at the Liberty Bar, thanks to a gift card from our friend Greg.  Yummy food in a giant old building.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Chase chooses: treats or run from the Bad Dog?

Bad Dog is a sleeping, snarling, growling pup.  Ordinarily, you have to use cat tweezers to sneak bones out of his bowl before he leaps forward to snap your hand.  Chase wouldn't go near Bad Dog until the switch was turned off.  Then he was all about the cat treats.  Bad Dog would not approve!

Happy 58, Cheryl!

Friend Cheryl turned 58 on April 5.  We became friends in 1991 and have taken a lot of "girl" trips together.  No plans yet for this year.  Surely will do something after August.

Papa Tom has been dying to use the 1960s lighter.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Dad and the Horns meet each other: April 1, 2017

Four generations.  The Horns were in Shreveport to tour Centenary College on Friday.  On Saturday, we all had lunch at Imperial Cathay Chinese Cuisine (thanks, Martin!) followed by strawberry pie and more good company at Martha and Craig's (thanks, Gilliams!).  Breeze, sunshine, ducks on the water.  Good times!

Martin, Dad, me, Emma, Martha

The Gilliams and the Horns.  The last time they saw each other was in Austin, in 2011, right after Fox was born.

Al, Craig, and Martha waiting for lunch at Mandola's in Austin.  Craig and Martha had been to visit Michael Craig, who was stationed in San Antonio at the time.

Back at our house, Fox got to have some Joyce time

Have we changed in six years? 

First birthday eve for Big Fatso Fluffball Chase: March 31, 2017

Best we can figure, Chase was born on April Fools Day 2016.  Amon and Fox made him a personal tuna cake with melted cheese on top. 

Fox has learned to write her name in cursive. She drew the balloon heart and asked us how to spell "Chase."  Zulu even wished Chase a happy birthday (Chase likes to drink that tasty fish water from Zulu's bowl).

Spring Break Asheville: March 28-31, 2017

Had to try North Carolina brisket.  Next time y'all are in Texas, we'll have a brisket showdown!

Well, yes, of course.  Donuts!

Spring Break Asheville: March 28-31, 2017

What secret message is Otis walking past?

Mya (8), Otis (8), Rier (6), Piper (3)

I wonder who took the photo?  I like that LaWanda is flashing the peace sign and "Hook 'Em, Horns!"

Spring Break Asheville: March 28-31, 2017

Backyard fun

Getting it just right.

Spring Break in Asheville! (March 28-31, 2017)

The kids' spring breaks in Asheville and Portland coincided this year.  Great opportunity for cousins to spend time together!  LaWanda and Otis flew to Asheville for a whirlwind 3 1/2 days.  Thanks, LaWanda, for the fantastic photos!

Who's that peeking out from behind the bubble gun?

Kites, bubbles, and a picnic too!

River, you look so much like your Mom in this photo!

There's my favorite red-haired boy!