Friday, April 21, 2017

Scenes from Cornerstone: April 2017

Papa Tom and I were out at Cornerstone in mid-April. This guy almost got away before the paparazzi got him!  Best I can tell, he's an Eastern king snake.  Only sure he's not a rattlesnake.

I think the red flower is Indian paintbrush.  The yellow ones look like cowpen daisies.  If they aren't, they should be.  I like the name.

Bluebonnets at the end of the season.

Texas lantana, a wild shrub

Partial cow skull?  I don't know for sure.

Prickly pear in boom.

White-flowered milkweed attracts monarch butterflies.  About 30 years ago, I came upon a tree covered with more monarchs than leaves.  Maybe Cornerstone is on their migratory route?  One of my all time favorite memories.

Do you see the bumblebee and the honeybee?  They like milkweed too.  We're excited about putting in about six beehives at Cornerstone next January or February.  In the meantime, we've joined the Williamson County Area Beekeepers Association to learn more about beekeeping.

Winecup.  And my shoe!

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