Friday, April 21, 2017

Seven adults and six children: April 21, 2017

We all got together at El Mercado to celebrate what would have been Evelyn's 99th birthday plus 2 weeks.  Evelyn loved the margaritas here.  Sarah, Kirk, Jim, Lucy, and Jake; Beka, Scott, Sadie, and Miles; Amon and Fox; and Papa Tom and me were all there.  Papa Tom sat with Jake, who showed us how to double fist queso and chips.  Somehow I missed getting photos of Sarah, Scott, Beka, Miles, and Amon.  Was kind of wild in that back room!

My twin was Lucy.  She likes salsa on her chips!

Sadie, 11 months younger than Fox, wanted to know all about kindergarten.  Fox clued her in: "First we counted by 10s, then 5s, and now we're learning to count by 2s!"  Sadie will go to Brentwood Elementary, Fox's school.  Jim, age 4, is sitting with Kirk and Jake.

The guys:  Jim, Kirk, and Jake.

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